biografija – Zlatko Kraljić
Zlatko Kraljić rođen je na otoku Sv. Marko, zaboravljenom od zmijskih zurenja zečjem kraljevstvu s malo kućnih brojeva. Polazio je osnovnu rapsku školu, a srednju s druge strane. Dalje od kandidata za šahovskoga majstora nije stigao, no alkemijski tečaj kod učitelja A. I. Bondareva – pretvorivši ocat u vino te pregršt rasutih plodova u čvrsti smokvenjak – uspješno je svladao. To mu je pomoglo da Majin nezaboravni čin doživi kao trajno snažan pričin. Potaknut njime, nakon putovanja borejskim zemljama (s nužnim, doduše privremenim, usvajanjem medovine) nastavio je kruženje po paralelama zemaljske kugle, kruženje započeto na šesnaestom meridijanu. I upravo zato se s punim pravom oslanja na rotaciju kvadratnih cirkulacija. Ponekad, uglavnom na Sredozemlju, predstavlja se imenom Aurelije Rex (Minor), dok je na Istoku poznat kao Ti-paun-car. Na Zapadu se postojano stišava.
Zlatko Kraljić bavi se prebacivanjem mašte u stvarnost i obratno. Na tom putu prijateljstva smatra ključnim čvorovima za dobar ulov spoznaje, ravnopravnima samoći, odmah nakon ljubavi, vladarice želja – one koja s njime pleše.
Zlatko Kraljić was born on the island of St. Mark, a rabbit kingdom forgotten by snake stares with few house numbers. He attended the Rab primary school, and secondary on the other side. He did not go further than the candidate for chess master, but he successfully mastered the alchemical course with teacher A. I. Bondarev – turning wine into vinegar and a handful of scattered fruits into a solid fig tree. This helped him to experience Maja’s unforgettable act as a permanently powerful cause. Encouraged by it, on his travels to the Borean lands (with the necessary, albeit temporary, adoption of mead), he continued to orbit the parallels of the globe, the orbit that began on the sixteenth meridian. And that is precisely why he rightly relies on the rotation of square circulations. Sometimes, mainly in the Mediterranean, he is represented by the name of Aurelius Rex (Minor), while in the East, he is known as Ti-paun-car. The West is continuously quieter.
Zlatko Kraljić deals with the transfer of imagination into reality and vice versa. On this path he considers friendship as the key knots for a good catch of cognition, equal to solitude, immediately after love, the ruler of desires – the one who dances with him.